Cyber security

The ever-rising threat from cyber criminals prevents too many companies abstain from utilizing the latest technologies providing new opportunities for growth. A new alliance safeguards among others industrial companies with IT-security technologies developed through decades in the financial sector.
Today more than ever companies are under threat from criminal cyber-attacks. According to the latest threat assessment from the Danish government’s Centre for Cyber Security, December last year, the digital threat level has increased markedly. Especially government authorities and agencies together with business and industry are often blackmailed for huge sums. In this stark reality, companies are under ever increasing pressure to increase security, an effort not being made easier by the fact that more and more machines are coming on the Internet. With the increased use of the so-called Internet-of-Things (IoT), companies are presenting ever more points of attack, such as web enabled surveillance cameras or production lines.
Too many companies are holding back
A new alliance between the two Danish companies, Micro Technic and Cryptera, have been forged to secure business customers against criminals breaking in through their digital defenses. Each of the two companies are experts in the digital infrastructure, which ensures that everything we take for granted in everyday life works exactly as it should, safe and uninterrupted by cyber-attacks. – Together with Cryptera, we are taking a huge step towards securing our customers’ critical data even better. Precisely the danger of cyber-attacks is preventing companies from taking full advantage of all the possibilities within IoT, says Frank Max Laursen, CEO of Micro Technic. The company has developed IoT-systems through many years, and it has as a consequence acquired a deep knowledge of these needs of their customers.
He continues:
– There is no doubt that the proliferation of IoT-solutions in industrial applications creates a lot of sensitive data. With Cryptera’s security solution, we can ensure that these customer data are not compromised. Our customers get a completely exceptional IoT-security solution, supported by an extremely user-friendly IoT-platform, and it can be delivered today.
Absolutely basic security
While Micro Technic specializes in IoT systems that enable companies to retrieve and utilize more data more efficiently, Cryptera comes from a completely different world, the financial sector, where the company has been successful for decades keeping the criminals away from sensitive payment systems. Cryptera has been an integral part of developing the security solutions for the financial sector, ever since the company developed the very first Danish credit card terminals, which were being implemented in the early 80s. This early start has given Cryptera a deep knowledge and a vast skillset in the field of financial IT-security, enabling the company to deliver security solutions right down to the level of the computer chips that control entire IT-systems.
– We see the solution and the partnership with Micro Technic as very interesting, because we can see an increasing demand for security solutions for the industrial IoT market. We know-that security concerns in general is a barrier for many companies, says Brian Schleisner, CEO of Cryptera.
The alliance is based on Cryptera’s many years of knowledge and technology in the development and certification of security solutions for the global payment market. Technically, this means that by establishing a security layer at the chip level of a given IoT product, you can, through the use of certificates and encryption, establish a “Root of Trust”, i.e., a very basic security, in a given product.
When you combine the IT-security provided by Cryptera with Micro Technics’ IoT-devices, which are supported by a Cloud based IoT-platform, business customers can achieve a level of security similar to what is in place today, when it comes to financial transactions and payment terminals. At the same time, you can ensure IP protection, communication and continuous updating of the product in question throughout their lifetime.
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