A New Generation of Electronics Technicians

At Micro Technic, it's not just about producing high-quality electronic products – it's also about fostering the development of skilled and dedicated employees.

A New Generation of Electronics Technicians in the Test Department

At Micro Technic, it’s not just about producing high-quality electronic products – it’s also about fostering the development of skilled and dedicated employees. Helle and Christian, two of our apprentices, have both embarked on exciting and personal journeys into the electronics industry, and their stories exemplify how one can take a new direction in life and find their passion.


From Painter to Electronics Technician: Helle’s Story

After 23 years as a painter, Helle had to change careers due to an injury in her shoulder. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it led her to something she had always been fascinated by – electronics. “I’ve always been curious about how things work,” says Helle, “as a child, I spent countless hours taking apart all sorts of appliances, just to see what was inside.

With her new path as an electronics technician, Helle has found a career that allows her to combine her interests with a new professional future. “I wish I had known about the electronics technician program when I started my painting apprenticeship; I’ve just landed on the right shelf now,” she says with a smile.

Despite the challenges of changing professions, especially after so many years, Helle feels she has found her place. “It has, of course, been an adjustment to return to school after so many years,” she says. “But I’ve caught on well, and I’m proud that I’ve handled the first assignments so well.

Helle describes her time at Micro Technic as both educational and inspiring. “I really feel like I’ve found the right shelf. After spending 23 years looking up as a painter, it’s nice now to be able to look down and focus on the details of the electronics,” she says with a laugh. Helle is determined to stay in the electronics industry where she sees a future filled with opportunities and challenges.


The Future Looks Bright: Christian’s Journey as an Apprentice

Christian is our other apprentice in Micro Technic’s test department and is in the final steps of completing his training as an electronics technician. He looks forward to taking the next step and taking on even more responsibility in the role of technician. “I’m looking forward to being able to take on more responsibility and work on even more complex tasks,” says Christian.

Christian has already had the opportunity to try his hand at some of the more challenging tasks in the test department as he is nearing the end of his training. One of his most remarkable experiences was when he was tasked with optimizing and stabilizing a UV lamp used in a production process. “It was a task where precision was extremely crucial, and I’m proud that I could improve the stability in the curing process,” he says. “Every time I pass the lamp in our production hall, I am reminded that I have contributed to increasing the quality and efficiency.

For Christian, his training has been a balance of theory and practice, which has given him a deeper understanding of how electronics work. “The training is about 25% theory and 75% practice,” he explains. “The theoretical part gives me the necessary foundation to understand how different electrical components work, while the practical part ensures that I can perform the very craftsmanship required in the test department.

With the completion of his education in sight, Christian looks forward to taking the next step in his career. “I’m looking forward to finishing, but I also know I still have plenty to learn,” he says. “My teacher always says that our education only takes four years, but that electronics is a lifelong study.”


The Common Denominator: Passion for Learning and Electronics

Helle and Christian come from very different backgrounds, but they share a common passion for electronics and for learning something new every day. Both have found a place at Micro Technic where they can grow professionally and personally, and they have both experienced how the support and cooperation from their colleagues have been crucial to their success.

Here at Micro Technic, we are met with trust and responsibility,” says Helle. “We are allowed to try out different tasks in an environment where we can always get help if there is something we don’t understand.

Christian agrees: “There is always something new to learn, and it’s great to be able to help your colleagues and contribute to solutions that make a real difference in production.

We are super proud of our two talented apprentices in the test department and look forward to seeing what the future brings them.

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