Beyond The Normal Job Title: How Joakim Ensures Quality

Joakim is an electronics technician experienced in testing and production technology, specialising in fault-finding and quality assurance to resolve critical system errors.

Beyond The Normal Job Title: How Joakim Ensures Quality

Joakim, who began as an apprentice and now works full-time in a hybrid role between our PTA and Test department, loves the detective work involved in troubleshooting.

When you find two products that fail, and you need to dive deep to uncover the cause, it’s a bit like playing detective. I love it!” Joakim explains. He emphasises that fault-finding in the testing department is more than just discovering errors. It’s about understanding when and where in the process the error occurs, so it can be resolved efficiently. Some of the PCBs we work with at Micro Technic are critical for things like infrastructure, such as traffic regulation, which makes the precision of our work even more important.


The Hybrid Role Between Testing and PTA

After his apprenticeship, Joakim also took on a role in the PTA department, which is responsible for finding solutions to the issues identified during testing. “It makes perfect sense for me to work across both Testing and PTA because now instead of just mapping out the errors, I also help resolve them,” he explains. Communication between departments is essential for ensuring that errors are corrected accurately and swiftly. Joakim particularly enjoys this hybrid role because he sees great value in working across departments and combining different skill sets.


Competencies Across Departments

Joakim’s solid technical skills, gained from both his studies as an electronics technician and his experience in the Testing Department, make him an invaluable resource for our PTA department. His in-depth understanding of components and production processes enhances his ability to identify errors and ensure solutions across departments. “Our customers trust our expertise, and the close collaboration we’ve built allows us to act quickly and effectively,” Joakim explains. It is precisely this combination of technical knowledge, interdisciplinary collaboration, and precision that enables him and Micro Technic to deliver solutions of the highest quality.

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